Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I thought Jamboree went very well. It was great to see what everyone else has been working on for the past semester. The video turned out nicely, and the food was great too. I listened to the radio show, but was unable to go due to a test a had the following day. Well, good job all, its been a good semester.

thanks for reading, later

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Decemebr 5th Discussion Summary (continued)

Discussion summary (continued) didnt mean to publish the first

I thought todays class was a very productive class period. We watched a movie, had a laugh, ate some food, and talked about it. we should have more classes like todays.

well thats all i have at the moment, later

December 5th Discussion Summary

December 5th
Today in class we talked mostly about Jomboree. We watched the classes video, had a few laughs, and talked about what we were comunicating with this video. We decided that our FYS was more fun than any of the others, even if it didnt look that way in the video. After the discussion about the video we moved on to talking about FYS as a whole, goals of the course, is it working? is jamboree worth it? ect. We ended the class talking about the history of the course and why FYS is the way it is today.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Episode 5

Episode 5

This episode talked a lot about Harry Smith with greater detail than before. The statement Micheal Ash made was very interesting, he said "I think he (Harry Smith) is one, if not the only, truly renaissance man of the latter part of the twentieth century because of the wide range of things he was able to accomplish." This just goes to show how diverse and complete this collection is. Harry has gone through, and done so many things, sure he missed a few things, but over all its excellent. This relates to the class because were listening to this huge collection, and were getting a very good taste of what the 20th centuaty sounded like.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Episode 4

Episode 4

I liked this episode a little less than the first one, but it was still good. The quote "I saw America change through music" was very interesting and important. It s so important because its extremely true. Our entire culture changes with music. blues-country-jazz-rock-rap-techno... the list goes on. The quote pertains to our class because i think one of the big points this class is making is that music does change a culture significantly, and thats why this quote is so cool.

Episode 3

Episode 3

Ill just start out this and say that this was very cool to listen to. Its crazy that someone would make a collection of the sounds of the 20th century. With that said i thought Martin Luther King's "I have a dream..." speech was very intersting and important to incooporate in the work." To have his speech along side folk songs, poems, bules, and jazz, just shows how complete this collection is. This speech connects to the course extremely well. Who was writing all the blues songs? The black people were, the slaves. The blues music came out of the black slaves, and Martin Luther King's speech explains how his people were being treated. Martin Luther King says that he has a dream that one day everyone will be treated equil, yet we still struggle with equality in todays society.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blog Summary

Blog summary for sept. 23-26.

A few people have posted performance ideas...
Yeah performs next week and is thinking about doing an art orientated performance, but still needs help deciding on what to do. Theres more to life than this has a few ideas: line dancing with Laura, Spray-paintings of famous roots music artists, play a song on an instrument, or give a blues theory lesion.

A few others have posted the song they want to do their report on.
I was forced to wants to do "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" by Charlie Daniels. Greenstar wants to do either "Weary Days" by The Whitstein Brothers or "Dig a Little Deeper" by Mahalia Jackson. Roots Music wants to go with "I Got a Woman" by Ray Charles, and FYS-Blog wants to do Little Brother Montgomery's "The First Time I Met You." All of these songs sound great.

Roots music fys posted a chapter 3 summary. Its very well done. It explains that chapter 3 returns to the (musical) life of Muddy Waters.

Well, that's all the blogging that was done over the past 3 days, thanks to all the posters for giving me something to write about.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Performance Plans

Jeff and I plan to do a kazoo duet to a blues song for our performance. Were not sure on what song to do, so tell us if you have any ideas for us.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Initial Blog Questions

Why did you sign up for a roots music FYS section?
I am interested in all types of music.

If you could take 5 pieces of music with you to a desert isle, what would they be?
"alleliaua" by my Highschool choir
"My God How Wounderful Thou Art" by my Highschool choir
"Joy" by the Newsboys
"The Circle of life" by the Hilltoppers
"Piano Man" by Billy Joel

What's a piece of music you associate with a parent, grandparent, or someone you know well that's at least a generation older than you?
Any Beatles music

If we all decided to replace the national anthem with a new song, and everyone agreed that you got to choose, what would you recommend?

What kinds of music related performance stuff (if any) do you do?
Sing in the Choir

Given the readings and what (little) you know about Governor Blanco, if you had a chance to ask her one question, what would it be?
Do you like Zydeco music?